Monday, September 29, 2008

Sources for Renewing Theology

Maybe this is a shameless plug but the following list of sources didn't get put up with my original 'response' post in the discussion over at Common Grounds online. So here it is: 

John Frame "Machen's Warrior Children"

John Frame  Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought

Kevin Vanhoozer, The Drama of Doctrine

Tim Keller, "How Shall We Then Live Together?" Essay on subscription available at:

Tim Keller "The Cultures of the Presbyterian Church in America": available at:

Tim Keller "Contextualizing Ministry: Wisdom or Compromise--Parts 1 & 2." Mp3 lectures available at

Carl Trueman, The Claims of Truth: John Owen's Trinitarian Theology

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Discussion about PCA Renewal

Common Grounds Online is hosting a blog-discussion of the Conversation on the Denominational Renewal of the PCA held last year in St. Louis.  Tim Keller and Ligon Duncan have already responded to Greg Thompson's address and each of the talks given at the conference will be discussed by different respondents.  My talk on Renewing Theology will be taken up next week. 
The site also links the mp3s of each of the talks.