Saturday, August 4, 2007


Well I'm biting the bullet and starting this, against the swarm of urges to qualify everything to death, to fend off all possible judgments. But there's alot of wisdom in not taking yourself too seriously, although I realize that blogs can be an exercise in precisely the opposite. Public narcissism ain't pretty. But neither is hiding in self-conscious fear or a perfectionism that demands everything be 'just so.'

So we'll see what happens.

I'd like to post on whatever comes to mind, but will probably discuss theology, parenting, kids, psychology, music, movies, books, pastoring, church life. I may post sermons, papers, reviews and stuff like that too.


Patrick said...

Holy cow. The first commenter EVER on Ramble On. I feel like I just caught Barry Bonds' 756th HR--oh wait, scratch that. Anyhoo, look forward to reading the Wit and Wisdom of J-Jo.

OneoftheServens said...

I just hope it doesn't suck.